I don't even know where to start this post, but I am going to try my best.
Farmington, Michigan - As we packed up our things after the festival concluded, I realized that it may take days or possibly weeks to come down from this feeling of shock and pure happiness.
I feel like no matter how much longer I try to sit back and think of everything I would like to say, nothing on this earth will make you realize how thankful we are for this weekend.
As we set ourselves on the journey to begin Michigan Metal Artwork, we had always hoped that in time, we could produce products that people enjoyed and in return, we would have a purpose to keep creating, pursuing, and pushing ourselves to uphold our newly founded reputation.
After this weekend, I will honestly admit that not for one second did we ever expect the support that we received in 3 short days. We are very thankful for you, we are very thankful for the massive amount of people that are so committed to supporting "Michigan Based Businesses", and even more so thankful for the many people that want to see us again soon.
In closing, I am going to sit the next few days to digest this emotional high of appreciation. Before I do, and as I said before.... THANK YOU, THANK YOU so much for everything.
We will certainly be back next year! In the meantime, please feel free to message our Facebook page, or visit our website for products or custom requests.
We will always do our best to meet or exceed your expectations as you have done for us!
- Michigan Metal Artwork
- Livonia, Mi